Friday 30 January 2015

Health Tips: BANANA - helps in Ulcer, Regulates Bowel Movements, Prevents Anaemia.

BANANA - helps in Ulcer, Regulates Bowel Movements, Prevents Anaemia.

Kaizen Hospital, Institute of Gastroenterology,
First Gastroenterology Super Speciality Hospital of Ahmedabad.

Kaizen Hsopital - health tips of the day!!! - CAULIFLOWER - an excellent source of Vitamin - C., Vitamin - C is required for good iron absorption.

CAULIFLOWER - an excellent source of Vitamin - C., Vitamin - C is required for good iron absorption.

Kaizen Hospital, Institute of Gastroenterology,
First Gastroenterology Super Speciality Hospital of Ahmedabad.

Kaizen Hsopital - health tips of the day!!! - BEETROOT is good to combat anaemia, cancer, dementia and helps digestion.

BEETROOT is good to combat anaemia, cancer, dementia and helps digestion.

Kaizen Hospital, Institute of Gastroenterology,
First Gastroenterology Super Speciality Hospital of Ahmedabad.

Kaizen Hsopital - health tips of the day!!! - Wheat Grass Juice helps to increase Hemoglobin Level, Prevent Tooth Decay, Prevent Infections, Helps to Remove Cancer Causing Substances from the Body...

Wheat Grass Juice helps to increase Hemoglobin Level, Prevent Tooth Decay, Prevent Infections, Helps to Remove Cancer Causing Substances from the Body...

Kaizen Hospital, Institute of Gastroenterology,
First Gastroenterology Super Speciality Hospital of Ahmedabad. 

Kaizen Hsopital - health tips of the day!!! - Food high in oxalate that can form Kidney Stone if taken in high amount regularly - Beet, Spinach, Strawberry, Nuts, Chocolates, Wheat Bran, etc...

Food high in oxalate that can form Kidney Stone if taken in high amount regularly - Beet, Spinach, Strawberry, Nuts, Chocolates, Wheat Bran, etc...

Kaizen Hospital, Institute of Gastroenterology,
First Gastroenterology Super Speciality Hospital of Ahmedabad.